Road Safety

Today we had a parent ask us if we could help them to learn their child more about road safety and of course we was up for the new learning opportunity! We sat down together in a group to discuss what we all thought about roads, cars and how to cross the road safely. The children had some amazing ideas and knowledge and we seized the moment to go outdoors and physically show the children what we were learning, a hands on experience like this helps children to fully understand real situation, we put on our coats, high visors and walked safely across the road, looking left and right, at the traffic lights we waited for the green person to come then we safely crossed the road. The children had a great time and were so excited to show what they had learnt. Hands on experiences are an amazing way to help children grow and develop and putting things into practice by actually doing them helps them to understand it much better, well done Leeds road.

2 years ago